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The Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association (GBSA) promotes a wide and deep market on the basis of international best practices as adapted to the Arabian Gulf region.
GBSA carries out its mission by:
1. Acting as a focal point for the bond and sukuk community in the Gulf Region.
2. Contributing to an orderly and transparent process for developing bond market legislation and regulation.
3. Providing regular input to regulators across the region on market trends and current developments.
4. Advising government agencies on policy and practice in their roles as issuers.
5. Establishing market practices, trading conventions and standard documentation.
6. Facilitating continuing education for industry professionals.
7. Requiring high professional standards among its members.
8. Raising awareness and educating the public about responsible investing.
9. Coordinating with international market development efforts and cooperating with other associations globally and regionally.
10.Conducting activities leading to the employment of GCC citizens in the bond and sukuk industry.
Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association
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